Tuesday, November 30, 2010

~Pennium & Candium Labs~

Pennium Lab

  • To investigate the concept of Atomic Mass and how it is derived.
  • Develop unit of measure-CMU, and use it to measure the relative asses of other coins. 
  • When this lab was through we were able to explain how scientists develop the system for AMU's, and how it's applied to determine the relative masses of other atom of other elements.
We believe that the Pre 1982 pennies will have the most abundance percent, the most mass, and contain a higher amount of materials that make them different than the Post Pennies.

  •  9 pre-1982 Pennies 
  • 10 post-1982 Pennies
  • 1 nickel
  • 1 Dime
  • 1 Quarter 
  • Triple Beam Balance Scale
    • Obtain a packet of pennies.
    • Sort the pennies into two groups: pre 1982 and 1982 and newer.
    • Measure the mass (inn grams) of each stack of pennies. Record the mass (in grams) of each penny stack in a data table. Count the number of pennies in each stack. 
    • Measure the mass in grams of a quarter, nickle, and dime. Record theses values in a data table.
    • Answer the questions below and then continue with Part II.
    •  Does each penny have the same mass?
    • Can  you identify two "penny isotopes" based on masses of the pennies? Explain.
    • What does your data tell you about the relationship between mass of a penny and date of a penny. Make a generalization.
    • Determine the average mass of pre-1982 pennies. (Record average).
    • Determine the average mass of post-1982 pennies. (Record average).
    • Determine the percentage of your pennies that is pre-1982 and the percentage that is post-1982. These percents should add up to 100%. What you have calculated is the percent abundance of each group of pennies (penny isotope).
    • Let's choose one of your coins to make a CMU (coin mass unit). Let's say that the mass of a nickel (Fivecentium) is one CMU. Use the mass of a nickel to calculate the mass of a quarter (Quarterium), dime (Dimeium), pre-82 pennies (pre-82 Pennium), post-82 pennies (Post-82 Pennium). Again, show all calculations, and record all data in a data table.
    • Determine the average mass of Pennium in CMU's using the percent abundance (from #3) of each pennium isotope (pre-82 and post-82) and the mass of each pennium isotope in CMU's (from #4). 
    •  Make a statement about the average enny mass of pre-82, post-82, and pennies in the packet. 
    • Explain how you derived the unit "CMU". 
    • Using the idea you explained in #2 abouve, how did scientists obtain the Atomic Mass Unit (AMU) to measure the mass of atoms of different elements?
    • What is your weight in CMU's? (Remember 1 lb=2.205 Kg)
    • Write a statement that compares what you did in this lab to what scientists have done to find the average atomic masses of the element. 

    DISCUSSION: We measured the different kinds of coins individually, the pennies in a cup since they were so many. (No worries; we subtracted the mass of the cup from the total mass over-all.) With every step, we took down notes about how much the pennies weighed. CMU took a few moments to figure out, but when we did, it turned out to be very understandable and easy to figure out.

    CONCLUSION:As it turns out, the Pre 1982 pennies turned out to be heavier in mass, have more abundance percent and CMU even when they have one less penny than the Post 1982 Pennies. In conclusion, the Pre Pennies are made out of a heavier substance and contained most of the abundance in the coin collection.

    Atomic Mass of Candium


    • Use Candium model to explain the concept of atomic mass
    • analyze the isotopes of Candium and calculate its atomic mass


    • We thought that the Candium sample would turn out to have many Isotopes within the one sample, and we believed that we would be able to separate them out.


    • Candy: 6 Gobstoppers, 14 Sixlets, 13 M&M's, and 20 Skittles
    • Triple beam balance scale


    • Collect different types of Candium
    • Separate out into different isotopes
    • Determine the total mass of each isotope
    • Count numbers of each
    • Record data on a data table
    The data table should include: average mass of each isotope, percent abundance of each, relative abundance of each, relative mass of each, average mass of ALL. (5 columns & 7 rows)



    1. We separated out the different Isotopes within the sample of Canduim. Then, we measured the masses of those Isotopes and used those numbers to figure out the abundance percent and to come to a conclusion which Isotope had more mass and such.
    2. Isotope: One of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different number of neutron.
    3. The percent abundance is the number of each type divided by the total number. The relative abundance is the number of each kind of candies.
    4. The relative mass is larger than the average mass
    5. Our data considering the relative mass to the rest of our fellow classmates is that ours are a bit higher, but are generally very close to the same amount.
    6. Our percent error was off a little bit; perhaps we could have been able to measure out our Isotopes to a better 'T' and make sure our measurements and math calculations were correct.
    7. It shows that we are able to separate the Isotopes of an element and figure out what exactly Isotopes make up the element.

    • To wrap it all up, we were able to successfully separate out the Isotopes and measure the mass of each accordingly. Generally, there was more than one identical Isotope within the Canduim sample, and we added those all together in their similiarities to weigh them accordingly. After that, we used information obtained from class to figure out what the abundance percent of every Isotope. In the end, we were surprised to find that the Gobstopper Isotope was the lightest even thought it seemed to be the larger overall isotope.


    1. Positive- We love all the different colors it's very eye catching.
      Criticism- you need to finish the data and the other stuff. But other than that it's awesome.

    2. I like all the colors and whatnot, but you could of done better on your conclusion :p

    3. Awesome background! But kinda hard to read the text....

    4. Positive= good info thats there. critisism= couldnt find the candium lab, needs work on the discussion and conclusion.

    5. Great Outline!!! BUt you need to label the pictures and graphs!

    6. very nice colors, exciting background, and good infor! nice job!

    7. Great job on the background and use of color. Great job guys.

    8. I loved the colors and the background. I think you did a fantastic job on your blog!
